The Global Covenant of Mayors is the largest international alliance of cities, local governments, and partners committed to combating climate change.
By becoming part of the alliance, cities and local governments are empowered to drive climate action in their communities by working with city/regional networks, national governments, and international institutions.
Being Encouraged & Inspired
GCoM helps cities maintain a long-term vision on climate action through collective ambition and achievement.
Visibility & Recognition
GCoM seeks to amplify the visibility of signatory commitments and actions in the region and globally.
Cooperation Through City Networks & Regional Covenants
GCoM serves cities and local governments by mobilizing and supporting ambitious, measurable, planned climate and energy action in their communities by working with city/regional networks, national governments, and other partners to achieve our vision.
Guidance & Practical Support
GCoM ensures that signatories are continuously supported in their efforts. Cities receive step-by-step guidance and have access to tools, materials, and helpdesk.
Better Financial Opportunities
GCoM works to provide value to participating cities by mobilizing the critical financing and technical assistance cities require to access investment.
Shapping the future
GCoM envisions a world where committed mayors and local governments – in alliance with partners – accelerate ambitious, measurable climate and energy initiatives that lead to an inclusive, just, low-emission and climate-resilient future, helping to meet and exceed the Paris Agreement objectives.
Being encouraged and inspired
Small inspirational text about the important of keeping motivation, having a long-term vision and how group energy make it easier.
Guidance & Practical Support
Small reassuring text saying that signatories are never alone in their effort thanks to the helpdesk answering questions and the material and tools.
Cooperation through City Networks
Small text about the enhanced cooperation from national and subnational authorities, with experiences exchange through regular events, twinnings, webinars and more.
Better financial opportunities
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Visibility & Recognition
Small text talking about the high international recognition and visibility for the local authority’s climate and energy action. Also talking about the communication toolkit to help on that topic.
Shapping the future
Our alliance emphasizes the importance of climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as increased access to clean and affordable energy.

Why cities matter
Local authorities play a leading role in climate action
Cities contain more than half of the world’s population, and they consume more than two-thirds of the world’s energy. Local leaders across the globe are pursuing ambitious climate initiatives in their communities. They are key to delivering on the Paris Agreement. All levels of government – cities, regions, and nations – have a role to play when it comes to raising the bar and working hand-in-hand with the scientific community, financial institutions, and the private sector. Only through dynamic, multi-level collaboration can we reach a net-zero-emission world by 2050. This joint effort is historic – and together, we are unstoppable.
We welcome cities worldwide
We encourage any city or town to commit. Regardless of size or location, all cities are welcome to join the alliance at any time of the year.